Time Matters Q and A
/This collection of Time Matters tips ranges from simply helpful to extremely advanced. I am sharing my answers to questions I've received as a Time Matters consultant from hundreds of my Time Matters clients and associates.
This collection of Time Matters tips ranges from simply helpful to extremely advanced. I am sharing my answers to questions I've received as a Time Matters consultant from hundreds of my Time Matters clients and associates.
Issues we learn of after the release of Time Matters 12 and its Service Packs are reported here.
Is this you? Just scratching the surface of your law office software? Want to be more organized, more efficient? We can assist you with getting much more out of law practice management software. Using Time Matters? We have 20+ years of experience customizing it. Want legal cloud apps? We know them well.
You can rely on the advice and information we give you. You benefit from our broad knowledge and deep experience with law practice management applications.
Wells Anderson
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Flowcharts can be incredibly effective at creating, streamlining and tweaking the series of steps needed to serve clients and run a law office. Here is an example…