Our Software

Get more out of your Time Matters software with support from Wells Anderson, a Time Matters expert. I can assist you in customizing Time Matters and fixing issue. In addition, you can make use of software I have developed for use with your Time Matters.

You can become more efficient and secure using our products and services.
Click the links, below, for more information:

Time Matters Delegation System

Do you want to get more done? You can by delegating work to others. But here is the catch. You succeed only by effectively managing the work you delegate. To do so, you need a tracking system that works.

With our Time Matters Delegation System, you can quickly see the status of work you have assigned to others. You can see what has been returned to you for review. You literally keep tabs on more work than you could manage without a good system.

Download our detailed, step-by-step manual showing you how to use the Time Matters Delegation System:

Active Form Filler for Time Matters


Click the video, above, for a demo.

Video Download - See Active Form Filler in action. Download the 60-second video...

Fill PDF and Web Forms from Time Matters

Active Form Filler copies information from Time Matters into the fields of fillable PDF forms and of webpage forms. If your work involves filling forms with client names, addresses, phone numbers or any other information, you can use Active Form Filler to be more productive and to avoid monotonous busywork.

Pricing: $199.50 one-time flat fee per user. Installation and assistance services are available.

- Active Form Filler - Available for immediate download.

Social Security Internet Appeal - Test FormPage 2

We have developed a comprehensive package for filling the many screens of the Social Security Internet Appeal online form. This mock-up of the fields is used for practice and testing.

Name and Address Test Form

The Name and Address Clipboard, included with Active Form Filler, works with Web forms like this test Web form. If you have Active Form Filler, you can try it out on this form.

Active Form Filler has General Purpose Clipboards, including the Name and Address Clipboard. These clipboards are useful for filling a variety of forms. By using Pause Mode, you can fill forms that do not exactly match the sequence of the information in the General Purpose Clipboards. For forms that you need to fill frequently, you can create your own Clipboards from scratch or copy and modify a General Purpose Clipboard.


Note: This software has been greatly improved since creation of the video. Call us for details!

Call or write for more information: 952.922.1120 
Click here to send us an e-mail...


Ultra-secure, automatic, continuous offsite backup designed for small law firms.

You won't find better backup software and ultra-secure online backup service anywhere else. Our enterprise-grade softare backs up deleted files and versions of your documents. Be sure that you have two backup systems protecting your vital data and documents: your local backup and our backup to multiple, world-call data centers.

SecureMyFirm delivers:

  • Ultra-secure encryption - 256 bit!

  • Storage in redundant, world-calls data centers

  • No Internet slow-down

  • No computer slow-down

  • Backup of versions and deleted files

  • Click here to

AP Follow

UPDATE - AP Follow has been updated for current versions of Time Matters.

AP Follow is an add-in program for Time Matters that is the heart of the AP Follow System. This system allows you to deal with a common barrier to getting more done: Waiting on responses from other people.

The AP Follow system uses Follow Up fields and the AP Follow program to automatically create reminder or Follow Up records in your ToDo list. The User Manual shows you how to use the AP Follow System and how to customize your Time Matters to make it work.

See the video: Follow Up System - Video

Download the manual: AP Follow User Manual

Buy online for $18 per user: Click here…

Contact us directly for more information: 952.922.1120 -- Price: $18 per simultaneous user


Automatically backup your Time Matters database one or more times per day with this utility. The purchase price includes installation and live consultation with Wells H. Anderson, JD, a LexisNexis Certified Independent Consultant and Time Matters expert.

  • Automatic operation

  • Sends an e-mail if the backup fails for one of several reasons

  • Optionally sends a regular e-mail confirming successful backups

  • Includes installation and consultation with a Time Matters expert

  • Click here to

Time Matters DocArchiver

TM DocArchiver archives Time Matters Document records and moves their corresponding document files from one drive to another. Use TM DocArchiver to:

  • Reduce the disk space used on main drive where your documents are saved.

  • Save money on backup drives and online backup services.

  • Reduce the size of your regular backups.

  • Speed up the recovery from a drive failure or disaster.

Some customization of Time Matters in needed by TM DocArchiver. Please contact us for pricing and more information. Please call 952.922.1120 or click here to send us an e-mail...

Time Matters Outlook Sync

TM Outlook Sync gives you a highly affordable, versatile way to get names, phones, calendar and other Time Matters information into your mobile phone.

You set up Time Matters to synchronize with Outlook. Then use TM Outlook Sync to automate the manual synchronization of Time Matters with Outlook. Your mobile phone syncs with Outlook to get the Time Matters information.
Click here to

Free Utilities

Disk Space Usage and Cleanup Programs

There are excellent, free utility programs for displaying what is taking up space on your drives. Once you know where the biggest space hogs are, you can delete unneeded files and free up disk space.

  • Scanner - Graphical display of drive usage and free space as concentric rings. Right-click on folders for options to delete or open them.

  • SpaceSniffer - Graphical display of drive usage and free space as nested rectangles with options for more or fewer levels of detail