PhraseExpress - Better than Time Matters AutoTXT

I recommend using a third-party program, PhraseExpress, instead of AutoTXT in Time Matters. Both PhraseExpress and Time Matters' AutoTXT save you a great deal of time and wrist strain by expanding typed abbreviations into longer words and whole phrases.

For example, the thankless task of entering Time records ("Billing records" in Billing Matters) goes much faster when you can insert frequently used descriptions of services with abbreviation like "tcw" for "teleconference with" or "tcc" for "teleconference with client" or "emtc" for "E-mail to client."

PhraseExpress works in all programs, not just Time Matters. You can read more about it and buy it here:

Buy PhraseExpress

A small but very handy refinement in PhraseExpress is that if you type the abbreviation starting with a capital letter, the word or phrase will also start with a capital letter. PhraseExpress has many more features and refinements, but the basic function if fundatmental to your efficiency at the keyboard.

There can be a conflict between GoToMyPC and AutoTXT in Time Matters. AutoTXT can omit the space when used on a remote PC. PhraseExpress gives you an alternative to AutoTXT that will work with GoToMyPC.

To use PhraseExpress with GoToMyPC, we recommend using the following settings.

  1. Right-click the PhraseExpress icon in the System Tray (lower right corner.

  2. Click Settings

  3. Go to: Tools | Settings | Paste Options

  4. Select: Paste text via keyboard simulation

  5. Under Expert Options, select: Delays

  6. In the first slider, Key-by-key pasting speed, slide to the second mark (a speed of around 20)

If you don't adjust the speed, you may find that PhraseExpress abbreviations, when expanded, will skip capitalizing some letters and skip some spaces.

Replace Time Matters AutoTXT

Time Matters AutoTXT works only in Time Matters and has some limitations. We recommend replacing it with PhraseExpress. You should disable AutoTXT when using PhraseExpress or another text expansion program.

To disable AutoTXT in Time Matters, go to:

Main Menu | File | Setup | General | User Level | Forms

Uncheck:  Enable User Level AutoTXT codes

Uncheck:  Enable Program Level AutoTXT codes

For more information on PhraseExpress, go to: